Stadtwerke Groß-Gerau (2014)
Website redesign
Home Desktop View vs. Mobile View (Screenshot Website)
Current desktop view vs. mobile view (screenshot website)
Services Desktop View (screenshot website)
Contact Desktop View (screenshot website)
In collaboration with:
Ulrich Lang (Concept, UX/UI Design), Mirco Herzberg (Development)
Services provided:
Conceptual Design, UX/UI Design
Tools used:
The current homepage of Stadtwerke Groß-Gerau is outdated in terms of technology, content, and design.
The website needs to showcase all available services offered by Stadtwerke Groß-Gerau.
Users should have a seamless and user-friendly experience to quickly and easily contact and report any faults or issues.
Users should have convenient access to downloadable forms.
Modern, clear responsive website with integrated content management system
Each page of the website will provide easy-to-use options for users to report faults and contact the utility company.
A dedicated and well-organized sub-page will present services in a concise and informative manner.
A separate download area will be available on the website, providing easy access to all necessary forms.