GALERIA Article Workbench 2.0 (2020-2022)
Microsoft Windows® app for maintaining product information
Screen recording of Axure™ prototype
Start screen (screenshot of Axure™ prototype)
Process step 1 "Classify item" for determining the product category (screenshot of Axure™ prototype)
Lightbox with enlarged display of an item photo (screenshot of Axure™ prototype)
Process step 3 "Assign attributes", enriching the item with information (screenshot of Axure™ prototype)
Process step 3 "Assign attributes" maintenance of mandatory attributes (screenshot of Axure™ prototype)
Process step 3 "Assign attributes" maintenance of recommended and additional attributes (screenshot of Axure™ prototype)
Process step 4 "Texting" maintenance of bullet points (screenshot of Axure™ prototype)
Process step 4 "Texting" composing item description texts (screenshot of Axure™ prototype)
Process step 5 "Ensure quality", review of all inputs before the item is published in the webshop (screenshot of Axure™ prototype)
Concept for the automatic rendering of UI controls for different attribute types (screenshot of Axure™ mockup)
In collaboration with:
1 Product Owner, 1 Software Architect, 7 Developers
Services provided:
Concept, UX/UI Design, Prototyping, Product Management, Creation of Image Videos
Tools used:
Axure™, Jira®, Camtasia®
Prior to publishing an item in the webshop, it is essential to enrich it with diverse pieces of information.
The information required for item enrichment encompasses accurate classification, product attributes, descriptive texts, and item images. These elements play a vital role in preparing an item for publication in the webshop.
Microsoft Windows® app for maintaining all product information
In the bulk maintenance mode of the application, attributes of items with multiple color or size variants can be conveniently edited and updated in a table format for efficient management.
Using intelligent suggestions, the bullet-point item description can be swiftly compiled, making the process efficient and time-saving.
Before an item is made available online, it undergoes a quality assurance check. During this process, individual aspects such as the item description, attributes, or photos can be reviewed and if necessary, rejected for reprocessing.
GALERIA is a brand or registered trademark of GALERIA Karstadt Kaufhof GmbH.On this page, no screenshots or videos of products from GALERIA Karstadt Kaufhof GmbH are shown, but only mockups or prototypes created by me.
All data recognizable in the screenshots or videos of the mockups and prototypes, such as first and last names, company names, place names, addresses, telephone numbers, product names, dates, times, email addresses, GTINs, IDs, performance indicators, etc., are fictitious or randomly chosen and serve only for illustration purposes. Any similarities in names with living or deceased persons are purely coincidental and unintentional.
Axure™ is a brand or registered trademark of Axure Software Solutions, Inc.
Jira® is a brand or registered trademark of Atlassian. Pty Ltd.
Camtasia® is a brand or registered trademark of TechSmith Corporation.
Microsoft Windows® is a brand or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.