GALERIA Image Editing Workbench (2020-2022)
Microsoft Windows® app for reviewing and post-processing of product photos
Start screen (screenshot Axure™ prototype)
Login screen (screenshot Axure™ prototype)
Approve or reject new item photos (Axure™ prototype screenshot)
Metadata editing of misclassified photos (Axure™ prototype screenshot)
Lightbox for enlarged display of photos (screenshot Axure™ prototype)
Creation of a swatch image (detail section of an item as a sample image) from up to three item photos (screenshot Axure™ prototype).
Selection of article photos for the swatch image to be generated (detail section of an article as sample image) (screenshot Axure™ prototype).
Selection of image sections for the swatch image to be generated (detail section of an article as a sample image) (screenshot Axure™ prototype).
Creation of a Swatch image (detail section of an item as a sample image) with two single-color areas (screenshot Axure™ prototype).
Display of article images that need to be post-processed (screenshot Axure™ prototype)
In collaboration with:
1 Product Owner, 1 Business Consultant, 1 Software Architect, 4 Developers
Services provided:
Conceptual Design, UX/UI Design, Prototyping, Product Management Support
Tools used:
Product images intended for the Galeria webshop must adhere to the specifications outlined in the photo style guide to ensure consistency and alignment with the desired visual standards.
Every new product image, whether provided by the supplier or captured in the photo studio, must undergo individual verification to ensure its compliance with the required standards.
Microsoft Windows® app with a work queue of products with new photos that need to be reviewed
The application enables users to perform actions such as approving, revising, or placing images on hold, providing flexibility and control over the review process.
The application offers simple image editing capabilities, allowing users to perform tasks such as rotating and flipping images directly within the application.
Users have the option to open images in Photoshop directly from within the application for more advanced post-processing and editing tasks.